“Enough Good People” » National Signature Events

#12 Summer of Peace: Among The Niimiipuu

June 14–17, 2006
Lewiston, Idaho; and Clarkston, Washington

The 2nd national signature event to be hosted by a Tribal nation, Summer of Peace was presented in June 2006 by the Nez Perce Tribe at Lapwai and Lewiston, Idaho, and Clarkston, Washington.

The event focused on Nez Perce history and culture and commemorated the Lewis & Clark Expedition’s friendly stay with the Nez Perce in 1806.

Tribal programming includes:

Reconciliation Symposium.

Healing Ceremony.

Nez Perce Horse Parade.

Nez Perce Fashion Show.

Lewis & Clark Through Indian Eyes: Readings by authors Allen Pinkham, Sr., Richard Basch, Roberta Basch, Roberta Conner.

Wanapum Tule Mat Long House Exhibit: 35-ft. traditional tule mat long house erected by members of the Wanapum Tribe.

Corps of Discovery II: 200 Years to the Future.

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